
- Born during the Carter administration to parents born during the Truman administration
- Got in a fistfight with a neighbor kid in defense of the honor of Walter Mondale
- Won an art contest among all 4th graders in Rockford, Illinois
- Usually got good grades in English, history, and art. Math and science, not so much
- Moved to Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. In high school, used to sneak out of study hall to use the potter’s wheel
- Got first car, an 81 Civic, from neighbors who would otherwise have sent it to the junkyard
- Finished high school and went to college.
- Decided that a degree in ceramics was a good idea
- Once used a squeaky toy to annoy State Representative Lynn Herman at a polling station
- Began teaching ceramics
- Decided that a master’s degree in ceramics was a good idea
- Applied to grad school, failed, tried again, got in, finished, went back to work
- Continued teaching ceramics, now more often and for more organizations
- Continues making more work; rarely takes a vacation
- It is conceivable that I have literally made more than a ton of work